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手机信令数据不仅记录个体出行轨迹,也为分析城市活动空间分布特征提供了基础.本文提出一种基于狄利克雷混合模型的城市活动特征聚类方法,以手机信令提取居民出行OD为基础,将每个基站的到发出行量作为表征该基站所处空间位置的活动特征,研究特征的聚类方法.引入狄利克雷分布作为先验分布,由中餐馆模型推定特征聚类数量.与其他聚类方法相比,该方法最大的优点在于无需事先指定聚类数量,避免了传统聚类方法的缺陷.将本文方法应用到三亚市城市活动特征聚类当中,结果能够有效地反应不同城市功能组团的活动特征.  相似文献   
重复动载疲劳损伤是沥青混凝土底砟层的破坏形式之一。本文建立了沥青混凝土底砟层的三维有限元分析模型,分析其在列车荷载作用下的受力变形特性。采用KENTRACK设计方法分析了沥青混凝土底砟层的疲劳寿命。结果表明:沥青混凝土底砟层等厚度替代基床表层的路基结构形式在列车荷载作用下基床表层的竖向动变形和振动加速度明显减小;沥青混凝土底砟层的层底拉应变在10×10^-6~90×10^-6,处于较低水平;沥青混凝土底砟层具有良好的疲劳耐久性,可用于工程实践。  相似文献   
针对市政道路沥青路面病害的不断产生,路面使用年限越来越短,本文分析了沥青路面预防性养护技术中纤维封层中不同种类材料的特性,给出了各种材料的最佳选取原则,并对纤维封层的技术特性以及施工工艺流程进行了分析,为市政道路沥青路面的养护维修等相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   
申莉  刘国民 《交通标准化》2015,1(1):114-121
利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了含碎石化层的沥青加铺路面结构模型,研究土基、旧路基层与碎石化层模量以及碎石化层和加铺层厚度对含碎石化层沥青加铺层路面结构的力学响应的影响,确定碎石化模量的控制范围.结果表明,荷载作用中心点及附近一定区域,沥青加铺层层底受拉;沥青加铺层层底拉应力对土基模量、旧路基层模量、碎石化层厚度不敏感,但当碎石化层模量较小(接近300MPa)或加铺层厚(大于20cm)时层底拉应力均较大,在重载作用下更大.因此碎石化道路必须验算沥青层层底拉应力指标.为使沥青层层底拉应力峰值不至于过大甚至超过容许拉应力,使得受拉区域控制在一定范围以内,同时为降低加铺层竖向剪应力及土基顶面压应变,并达到防治反射裂缝的效果,碎石化层的模量宜控制在500~1000MPa.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of environmental impacts for different scenarios of a typical local road. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the modeling tool used to quantify and characterize comparative environmental impacts. In carrying out this specific application of the LCA, different road construction techniques were considered with regards to the whole structure and compared in order to identify the best alternative in terms of environmental sustainability.So far, in fact, typical LCA frameworks of roads have focused on recycled materials for pavement layers only, thus neglecting study of the materials used in the embankment or in the subgrade. In this study, these materials were included too, in order to prove the environmental benefit of using a sustainable technique such as in situ stabilization of fine soils with lime (typically dumped clayey soils) in order to reduce the need for virgin material for embankment and subgrade construction.When using different percentages of recycled materials (such as reclaimed asphalt pavement – RAP) in the bituminous layer or in the foundation, the analysis of the functional unit studied shows a significant reduction of energy consumption and pollutant emissions mainly due to transportation of materials involved, in this way increasing the environmental performance of the road.Another important consideration is that the use of fine soils stabilized with lime “in situ”, instead of dumping it, not only is a good technical solution for improving soil mechanical properties, but it also produces a reduction of energy consumption and of pollutant emissions. It is noticeable that this technique results in a significant reduction of pollutant emissions due the transportation of involved materials, increasing the environmental performance of the road.  相似文献   
颜宇  汤雄 《西部交通科技》2012,(1):41-43,75
文章结合天水过境高速公路路面实体工程,对不同孔隙率条件下的Super-pave-13高性能沥青混合料进行了车辙试验及SPT试验分析。结果表明,要保证Superpave-13沥青混合料具有较好的高温稳定性,其压实孔隙率应控制在4%~6.5%范围内。  相似文献   
无接缝、平整、行车舒适、噪音低以及振动小、易于养护等优点,使沥青混凝土路面成为我国国内公路面层普遍采用的一种比较好的结构形式。但是如果施工中不能按照施工工艺严格的进行施工质量控制,则很容易导致路面的一系列质量问题,这不仅影响使用功能,还影响影响其社会效益。  相似文献   
文章试验研究了不同PR/RA改性剂掺量的高模量沥青混凝土(HMAC)的抗车辙性能,分析了层位、层厚、模量、轴载、温度和荷载次数等因素对高模量沥青混凝土路面抗车辙性能的影响程度,提出了合理的路面层位设置、模量取值范围及路面结构组合,并通过某干线公路试验路段,验证了高模量沥青混凝土的抗车辙效果。  相似文献   
In this paper, annoyance ratings from traffic noise recorded on cobblestones, dense asphalt, and open asphalt rubber pavements are assessed with regard to car speeds and traffic densities. It was found that cobblestones pavements are the most annoying; also while open asphalt rubber pavement imposes less annoyance than dense asphalt it is not significantly different. Higher car speeds always lead to greater annoyance, as does higher traffic densities. LAeq and LAmax correlate well with annoyance, but loudness is the best predictor. Roughness and sharpness exhibit inconsistent interactions.  相似文献   
弯沉是我国沥青路面设计和施工质量控制中通常使用的一个技术指标。近些年来,随着我国沥青路面结构形式的变化,以及美国MEPDG设计方法的影响,国内学术界对弯沉指标产生了不同的看法。为此,从路面结构承载能力角度出发,对弯沉指标的力学含义、工程意义以及设计价值等问题进行探讨,同时,结合我国半刚性基层沥青路面使用状况,分析了弯沉指标对路面使用性能评价的作用,并初步探讨了半刚性基层沥青路面结构的耐久性问题。最终指出,完善弯沉设计指标是完善沥青路面力学经验设计方法的有效途径。  相似文献   
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